We apologize as we are currently closed until further notice for restructuring and reevaluation to be able to provide improved future assistance!

A New Hampshire Hometown IT Support and Advisory Helpdesk for your Software Development, Computer Recovery, and Networking needs!

We help companies and individuals with a variety of Technological needs. For most problems we can help you find the solutions that fit your needs!


We believe in your vision, peace of mind, and unlimited potential!

blue marker on white printer paper
blue marker on white printer paper
Technology Troubleshooting

Sometimes you need someone to figure out why your computer is not working the way you want. We work to diagnose your computers, tablets, phones and consoles to identify what is going on and find a solution!

two black computer monitors on black table
two black computer monitors on black table
Design & Development

It's not easy to build an application, website, Game, or a story. We work with you to find the right strategy to properly develop your project and meet your needs and can provide service in helping with the overall development process!

turned on MacBook on table beside iMac
turned on MacBook on table beside iMac
Information & Guidance

We can't all be experts in how to best use our time and technology, or can we? We work to help our clients learn how to best use the technology they have and develop better time management and technical skills, both in person and remotely!

turned on monitoring screen
turned on monitoring screen
Testing & Research

In order to make informed decisions, you need to see how an idea might function in practice. We help you with this by gathering test groups and running surveys to help test and gain research data on a product or service!

Let us help you
Miscellaneous Services

We all have times where we want to learn more about a hobby, a topic or need help with our personal lives, Avery is here to help in whatever way you need to live a less stressful and confusing life by helping you gather information and identify your own goals without any bias!

The Avery Way

MacBook Pro on brown wooden table beside white mug
MacBook Pro on brown wooden table beside white mug


Identify Goals

We help you realize the biggest challenges you're facing, or just let you tell us what you want to do.


Determine Timeline

Together, we'll collect and devise a timeline to meet your needs and resources.


Formulate Strategy

We look at what you want to do and create an outline of the steps needed to meet your request.



When the planning is done and we know what the game plan is, we help you either implement the project in-house or find you what or whom you need to make your project!

What is the result?

Peace of mind is what we offer and will bring to you with our methods and effort. A new application, a stronger system, or even a better understanding of the power you can wield when using your technology!

Technology Education
Better Practices
New Applications
Reduced Overhead
Industry Information

Contact us

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team and get a Quote today!